News 2024
Tosside Christmas Concert
1st December 2024
The band gave its annual Christmas Concert at Tosside Community Hall.
There was a special presentation, from the band, to Alison Cowking, who retired from playing with the band last year, due to ill health. She was presented with an engraved crystal vase. Barry Bleasdale, the band Chairperson, gave a thank you speech for her loyal, committed and long service to the band as a player, and her continuing service as the band secretary.
The concert consisted of a selection of Festive music, but also included some general entertaining music. One featured piece that the audience particularly enjoyed was Fascinating Drums, which featured Daniel Rothwell on percussion.
Hodder Valley Show
14th September 2024
The band rounded off its summer season by playing at the Hodder Valley Show. This year it was at Newton-in-Bowland and for the third year in a row, the weather was fine, sunny and warm.
Conductor, John Cowking, was occupied for some of the time as outgoing president from last year’s show, but returned to take the baton from Barry Bleasdale for the second session.
Clitheroe Bandstand Concert
7th July 2024
It was the band’s turn to do a Sunday afternoon concert on Clitheroe Bandstand, instead of the Proms Concert. Unfortunately heavy rain reduced the numbers in the audience to single figures and the concert was curtailed after the band had played several pieces.
However, some of the cornet section decided to enjoy a cornet instead.
Tosside Annual Summer Concert
30th June 2024
The band always play a summer concert on the last Sunday of June at Tosside Community Hall. This year was a special anniversary. The Community Hall was opened in June 2004, 20 years ago.
The concert was well attended with a capacity audience, who were entertained with a varied selection of music. The band always enjoy performing at the Hall due to the concerts being very well attended. This includes the Christmas concert on the first Sunday of December, as well.
The band would like to thank the community for their support and hope that they continue to enjoy the band’s performances.
You can find more information about Tosside Community Hall by following this link.
Retirement of an active member
January 2024
Trombone player, John Smithson, has taken the decision to retire as a member of the band.
John started off as a cornet player and retired as a trombone player. He first joined the band in the early 1970’s, left for a number of years and rejoined in the mid 2010’s.
The band would like to thank John for his loyal service over the years.