Photograph Gallery - 2000’s

Rishton Methodist Church March, 2001.

May Queen procession, Slaidburn, 2003

A rehearsal at the Catholic Club, Clitheroe, in preparation for the CD recording.   2004

Recording a CD at Dunsop Bridge Village Hall.  2004.

(Courtesy of Slaidburn Archive)

Selling the Band CD in the Beer Garden at the Hark to Bounty, Slaidburn.  2004.

Dunsop Bridge War Memorial, Remembrance Day.  2004.

(Courtesy of Slaidburn Archive)

Carols at Booths, Clitheroe. 2004.

May Queen, Slaidburn Village Hall.  2007.

May Queen, Slaidburn Village Hall.  2008.

(Courtesy of Slaidburn Archive)

Sandpaper Ballet at the Last Night of the Proms, Clitheroe.  2008.

Remembrance Day in Slaidburn, 2009

(Courtesy of Slaidburn Archive)

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